Is this you?

• You KNOW you have a book inside of you but you need clarity and focus to get it started...the right way!

• You've got PAGES of ideas and notes that you need help organizing into a book that people will want to read 

• You're overwhelmed by the idea of taking on such a huge project, so you stay STUCK ... afraid to start something you might not finish... 

But, WHAT IF  you had a step-by-step blueprint to get you through the most important aspects of writing a that in a matter of weeks you'd have...

• clarity on the core message of your book

• a crystal clear picture of who you're writing for

• a title and subtitle

• all your chapters outlined

• your content mapped out - what goes where

• a timeline to keep you on track to complete it

• a plan for getting endorsements that position you

• guidance on publishing your book on Amazon and getting it ranked and found by readers

marketing tips and strategies to become a #1 bestseller....

All this by devoting only 20 minutes a day at a limited-time investment of only $97...sound too good to be true?

Do you know what keeps most authors from writing a book? Having a PLAN!

Carol-Ann-for-Float-Haven_small-edited.jpgMany experts know that the only way to reach more people with their message is with a book...but they don't know where to they don't... 

The fact is...there's no better way to ignite your business and make an impact than with a book. Your book is your calling card to more podcast and summit interviews, media appearances, guest blog invites...and so many other opportunities!

Every week that you put it off, you fall further behind the throngs of experts who are publishing their book to establish their AUTHORity. A book gives you instant credibility - when it's done right!

~ Kevin Rogers, Copy Chief

I was there. I knew publishing a book was my next step, but I was stuck in overwhelm. The outline/notecard process just made me feel MORE scattered. So, being the creative problem-solver that I am, I developed my own process. A process that is FUN and allows you to put the pieces of your book together like a 'puzzle' - organized in a way that makes sense. This is The Goddess Way of book writing - simple, aligned, and on purpose. 

Try it you might like it!

Here's the other thing. You might think writing a book is for you but if you haven't tried it, how will you know? Because my mission is to help YOU get your gifts out into the world, I've developed a 'kickstart' plan. I want you to be certain that writing a book is for you, so I've developed a 15-day plan that gets you through the most important part of your book - clarity - and I'm making it available at a super savings!


The Kickstart Your Book 15-day Plan. 

This is about CLARITY. Without a plan, most writers quit before they really get started. In only 15 days, by devoting only 20 minutes a day, you'll clarity your message, your ideal reader, your book title and subtitle, your chapter titles, even your back cover copy. You'll embody the writer lifestyle, and discover if you have what it takes to get to the finish line...

And, you will love this process so much that you will learn things about yourself, your motivation, what your book is REALLY about, and you will gain the confidence you need and erase any doubt you may have about whether you are cut out for this or not. 

In only 15 days you will have...


 You'll have CLARITY on a MESSAGE that impacts your readers, with a system that keeps you in FLOW, so writing easy and fun!


You'll be on your way to becoming a published author! Writing with a plan connects you to your VISION...How a book will change YOUR life...the change you want to see in the world becomes reality?  


You'll map out your entire book...TITLE, subtitle, chapter titles, content, endorsements, front pages, bio, description... things you probably haven't though about...  


When you go with the 30-day plan, you get my proprietary system to plan out the content for each chapter! No more boring outlines or notecards!

Just Do It, Kickstart Your Book is a work-at-your-own pace 20-minute a day process, so in only 15 days you'll have a map of your book with a crystal clear plan to get it done. 

For only $97 through Black Friday! 

Want more help? Take advantage of an advanced plan at huge savings!





Kickstart your book with crystal clear clarity of your message, your ideal reader, your chapter titles, and more!

BONUS: Write Your Book FLOW Session in January


SAVE 50%



• Write the contents of each chapter with my proprietary process that makes it easy.

• Finish writing your book in 90 days in only 20 minutes a day!

• Receive a step-by-step process to publish your book on Amazon

BONUS: 30-minute Kickstart call to map out your book-writing plan

• 30-minute 1:1 'Ask me Anything' Clarity Session




payment plan available

• The Complete Program with ALL Bonuses  
2 rounds of EDITING through Chapter 1  
• 45-minute Book Review 1:1 Session
(Total value: $3500)

Choose your level of support. You'll have my proprietary process for either 15 days or 30 days. Or go VIP for more support.  

Save 50% or more on each option through Black Friday! 

Get started today with our easy payment plan, but save even more when you pay in full and take advantage of pay-in-full bonuses!





Kickstart your book with crystal clear clarity of your message, your ideal reader, your chapter titles, and more!

BONUS: Write Your Book FLOW Session in January


SAVE 50%



• Write the contents of each chapter with my proprietary process that makes it easy.

• Finish writing your book in 90 days in only 20 minutes a day!

• Receive a step-by-step process to publish your book on Amazon

BONUS: 30-minute Kickstart call to map out your book-writing plan

• 30-minute 1:1 'Ask me Anything' Clarity Session




payment plan available

• The Complete Program with ALL Bonuses  
2 rounds of EDITING through Chapter 1  
• 45-minute Book Review 1:1 Session
(Total value: $3500)

Here's the support you'll receive in the Kickstart Your Book Program

Why 6 weeks for 30 days? Weekends off, of course!

30 writing prompts 
(value: $1500)

Every day you'll have an "assignment" that takes 20 minutes to complete. This keeps you out of overwhelm and will take you through writing Chapter 1.

2 LIVE Write With Flow Sessions 
(value: $2000)

We'll come together in a Flow Session to be in the energy of other writers. Get your questions answered and feedback on your writing! All sessions are recorded. 

60-days of Support in a private forum
(value: $1500)

BONUS! Extended support where you'll get feedback on your writing, your questions answered.  

Tools, checklists, templates!
(value: $500)

BONUS! There's a lot you'll need to know about publishing and marketing your book - I'll share tools to guide you to the finish line, and beyond!


For only $500 more you'll get $1500 of value...

You'll submit your entire manuscript through Chapter 1 and I'll edit it to make sure your 'voice' is consistent, your message is clear, and your writing is powerful. I'll review your chapter titles, and make sure you stay on purpose and in alignment with the intention of your book. (value: $500)

Once we've gone through the developmental editing stage, you'll submit again it again for another round of editing. This time I'll be improving your sentence structure, fixing grammar, punctuation... this is a great learning experience that will make you a more powerful writer - for life. (value: $500)

Using the 'lessons learned' from our editing sessions, we'll hop on Zoom and discuss ways to make your book even better. I'll coach you to get to the finish line with guidance on publishing on Amazon and best practices for marketing and selling your book. I'll share other tools and tips beyond what's included in the 30-day program. (value: $500)

Take me to the VIP PAGE!

Here are a few of the books published by Just Do It, Write Now! authors

Copy of Join the Brand-athon! Kickstart Your Book 30-Day Blueprint $1,497.00

“I had been trying to write my book for more than 15 years, and I was so excited that it was published in less than 6 months of working with Carol Ann!

"I had worked with plenty of coaches before; however, Carol Ann's mentorship style guided me to get better and quicker results. Her expertise enabled me to feel empowered as a practitioner AND a published author.”

Author, Love Life Again


“Writing a book can be overwhelming, but with Carol Ann’s proprietary system, I was able to write a book that represents my soul’s mission. Her coaching and guidance made it easy for me write in flow without straying from my core message. She has a unique ability to challenge you to write with clarity, helping you establish credibility with your audience. If you’re thinking about writing or republishing a book, I’d highly recommend joining Carol Ann’s Just Do It, Write NOW! program — you will thank yourself later!”

Award-winning author, Powerful Beyond Belief

0066-2_5x7.jpgMeet Your Book Mentor
Carol Ann DeSimine

What qualifies me to guide you to write a powerful book? I'm an author who's been publishing and editing books for more than 30 years. Give me 30 days, and I'll share my wisdom to help you get your book DONE!

I work with coaches, spiritual practitioners, artists - creatives - entrepreneurs who have a message to share and a purpose to express. I help them transform their business by creating offers around who they are and I truly believe that the most satisfying way to fast track success and position your authority is with a book. 

Here's my story (in a nutshell)

I spent many years helping other people publish books, magazines, and newspapers but when it came time for me to publish my own book, I struggled. I was stuck following someone else's outline process so I attended a "write your book in a weekend" seminar thinking it would help, only to find the price tag was $40,000 to move forward... so I ditched the boring outline and the high price tag and came up with my own process to write my book in about 4 when clients started asking me to help them write their book, it was a no-brainer.

I honestly don't know why I waited so long. 

Turns out, my soul had been calling me to do this...all the signs were there and I'd ignored them. It took others to show me my gifts and talents that I wasn't claiming for myself. After all, who am I to show others how to write a book? But, why not? I'm a writer, a designer, photographer, professor, curriculum developer... with 30 years experience editing and publishing books, newspapers, journals, newsletters... I know the process inside and out. 

I could list more credentials but I feel it's more important to use this space to share MY BIG MESSAGE: PLEASE... don't put your dream on hold. I was hiding my gifts and I don't want you to hide yours. If your soul is calling you to write your book, listen: Just Do It Write Now! Plain and simple: Share your story to help others!


Here's the support you'll receive in the Kickstart Your Book Program

Why 6 weeks for 30 days? Weekends off, of course!

A prompt a day for 30 days
(value: $1500)

Every day you'll have an "assignment" that takes 20 minutes to complete. This keeps you out of overwhelm and makes writing fun!

2 LIVE Write With Flow Sessions 
(value: $2000)

Get your questions and concerns addressed and you can even receive feedback on your writing! All sessions are recorded and available for replay within 48 hours. 

90-day Facebook Group
(value: $1500)

BONUS! Extended support where you'll get support and feedback, and interact with your fellow authors.  

Tools, checklists, templates!
(value: $500)

BONUS! There's a lot you'll need to know about publishing and marketing your book - I'll share tools to guide you to the finish line, and beyond!

You'll have my proprietary process, plus live trainings and 90 days of support to get you through the most challenging stage of writing a book...getting started! I'll give you the tools - and the motivation - to get to the finish line! 

I'll be offering for $1997 BUT through Cyber Monday you pay only $497! And when you upgrade to VIP you save more!

Get started today with our easy payment plan, but save even more when you pay in full and take advantage of pay-in-full bonuses!


4-Payment Option


30 days apart

All the benefits of the program in 4 easy payments

BONUS: 90 days of support in a private Facebook Group w/immediate access

Pay by credit card only


SAVE 70%


Regular investment is $1997

• Write your book through Chapter 1 in only 20 minutes a day!
• Craft your title & subtitle
• Outline your chapters
• A step-by-step process to publish your book 

6 Live Zoom Trainings w/Q&A 

BONUS: 90 Days of support in a private Facebook group

• 30-minute 1:1 'Clarify Your Book Topic' Session




payment plan available

• The Complete Program with ALL Bonuses  
2 rounds of EDITING through Chapter 1  
• 45-minute Book Review 1:1 Session
(Total value: $3500)

Here's a secret most first-time authors don't know.... no one just sits down and writes a powerful book! Even Stephen King has a process, and I'm ready to give you mine!

But WHAT IF  you had a step-by-step that in only 6 weeks you'd have the most your book written through Chapter 1, including your title and subtitle, all your chapters outlined, your call-to-action, with a blueprint of your book ready to be completed and all the steps to publish it on, with guidance on marketing and strategies to become a #1 bestseller....

Imagine how your life would be transformed...

  • BE the AUTHORity in your field
  • Stand out in a crowded marketplace
  • Get more speaking gigs & podcast interviews
  • Receive MEDIA attention 
  • Easily attract ideal clients
  • Add another stream of income to your business

All this by devoting only 20 minutes a day alongside a group of like-hearted writers, at an investment you can't refuse...

Copy of Join the Brand-athon! Kickstart Your Book 30-Day Blueprint $1,497.00

“I joined the Just Do It, Write Now program to help me complete my first book. I found Carol Ann’s leadership and the support from the other writers in the program inspirational.

"I enjoyed our weekly live sessions and having that on my schedule helped keep me on track and held me accountable for my progress. I am sure that it would have taken me much longer to have accomplished this without her support.

"I would recommend Carol Ann and her professional programs to anyone thinking of writing a book or growing a business. ”

Author, Grief to Grace


“I waited 15 years to write my book! Once I joined Carol Ann’s Just Do It Write NOW! program, it went from start to finish in just 4 months! It’s almost unbelievable how effective this program is. What I especially like about working with Carol Ann is that she has such a knack for knowing when I need to be pushed and when I need to be encouraged. She saw my greatness from the get-go and constantly spoke into that. This allowed me to create it for myself and step fully into my own success. I also really enjoyed her straightforward communication, and the community created within this program. It’s exceptional!”

#1 Best-selling Author, Men Are Not the Problem

In case you're wondering...

Please email if you have any other questions.

If you've been wanting to write a book and feel that you're ready, this program is an easy way to ease into the process, whether you're a writer or not. It's designed for coaches and conscious entrepreneurs who want to expand their reach and position themselves as an expert. Although I talk about 'The Goddess Way' this program is for women and MEN. I also work with authors who are using writing as a healing process, or as a way to share their own story to help others. If you're an entrepreneur, a book will position you in the marketplace, and if you already have a signature program, it's another platform to share it with more people.

There's no doubt that writing and publishing a book is a commitment. I've made it doable by creating a process based on devoting 20 minutes a day. Of course, some days you'll want to write more. If you complete the daily prompts you'll find that it's fun and manageable. There are no prompts on the weekends because that will be your creative time - or time to play catch up! It's totally possible to write a powerful book in 90 days and this 30-day blueprint is designed to get you started by building a strong foundation.

Besides the daily prompts that will keep you in action and  writing, we meet as a group once a week for 6 weeks on Zoom for a 90-minute training. These are open forums where we'll discuss the writing and publishing process, and you can get whatever help you need. Sessions will be recorded if you can't attend live and accessible in the private Facebook group. The FB group will be accessible for a minimum of 90 days and you can post your questions there. 

No one just sits down and writes a book. There are weeks of pre-work to get clear on your ideal reader avatar, your core message, and other foundational elements.

I'll teach you my proprietary writing process to get you through Chapter 1, but you can use the process on your own to finish your book.

You'll also write your Table of Contents and your titles so you'll have the shell of your book and will just have to fill in the rest.

I also provide instruction of how to use your book to build your business and best practices for marketing and sales.

While the idea is for you to be able to finish your book on your own, if you feel you'd like continued support, if you're a fit, you can continue working with Carol Ann to finish your book and publish it on Amazon. 

While this is a group program, you can work at your own pace if you choose. You'll have the process to use at your convenience on your own time and you'll be able to download the recorded trainings to listen to at your leisure. The value of working with the group is that the trainings will hold more meaning for you, but if you prefer to fly solo, that's fine, too!

This is the same process I take my high-level clients through. The difference is that 30 days is enough time to get you through writing Chapter 1. If you were to continue on with the 90-day program, you'd get 2 rounds of editing for your entire book, page formatting for your paperback and Kindle book, I would design your cover spread, and I'd hold your hand through the publishing process. If you get through the 30-Day Kickstart and decide you want to continue on for the full program, you will be given that option and will be able to apply your investment in this program to that cost. A good way to experience what the 90-day program offers is to purchase the VIP Upgrade and take advantage of having your work edited. 

Sorry, but due to the proprietary nature of this program, there are no refunds or guarantees. This is my proprietary process that I'm offering at a deep discount. I cannot be held responsible if you don't finish your book because you fall behind or 'life gets in the way.' That happens to all of us. However, you have lifetime access to the process and every opportunity to write your book even if you don't finish during the length of this program. If you decide you need more support, you may be able to apply this payment toward that. This is decided on a case-by-case basis.


Despite popular belief, 2020 was NOT the year to write a book - NOW is! The number of new authors increases every day...every day you put off writing your book is another day of missed opportunities!

You'll have my proprietary process, plus live trainings and 90 days of support to get you through the most challenging stage of writing a book...getting started! I'll give you the tools - and the motivation - to get to the finish line! 

I'll be offering for $1997 BUT through Black Friday you pay only $497! And when you upgrade to VIP you save more!

Get started today with our easy payment plan, but save even more when you pay in full and take advantage of pay-in-full bonuses!


2-Payment Option


30 days apart

All the benefits of the program in 3 easy payments

BONUS: 90 days of support in a private Facebook Group w/immediate access

Pay by credit card 


SAVE 75%


Regular investment is $1997

• Write your book through Chapter 1 in only 20 minutes a day!
• Craft your title & subtitle
• Outline your chapters
• A step-by-step process to publish your book 

6 Live Zoom Trainings w/Q&A 

BONUS: 90 Days of support in a private Facebook group

• 30-minute 1:1 'Clarify Your Book Topic' Session




payment plan available

• The Complete Program with ALL Bonuses  
2 rounds of EDITING through Chapter 1  
• 45-minute Book Review 1:1 Session
(Total value: $3500)

This is the ONLY time I'll offer this at 70% savings!







