Are you making these excuses?

• A book takes too much time...so why start if I'm not sure I can finish?

• Who am I to write a book...and why would anyone want to read it? 

• A plan might work for other people... but it doesn't allow for creativity... Here's the truth...

The reason you're not writing your book is that you don't have a PROVEN PLAN!

Carol-Ann-for-Float-Haven_small-edited.jpgMany experts never write their book because they don't know where to start.... 

What if I told you I created a step-by-step process that takes only 20 minutes a day... and in only 15 days you could have all the most important elements of your book done and the content mapped out - without sacrificing creativity.

In fact, a PLAN is crucial to staying focused to get to the finish line! 

And every week that you put it off, you fall further behind the throngs of experts who are publishing their book to establish THEIR AUTHORITY.

Procrastination is costing you income and opportunities.  

As both an author AND a business coach, I know how writing a book can ignite your growth.

I also know from experience that approaching your book with a proven process will set you up for success. 

If you can devote just 20 minutes a day for 15 days (or adapt it to your optimal work style), Jumpstart Your Book will get you on your way to becoming a published author. And, when you join now, I'm making it available at a huge savings with added bonuses...the sooner you start writing, the sooner you'll be a published author!

Here are some of the benefits of Just Do It, Write Now! Jumpstart Your Book...


You'll connect to your VISION as a published author and get clear on the VALUE your book provides. Be intentional about what you want to achieve with your book - personally and professionally... You CAN be the CHANGE you want to see in the world! 


You'll get crystal clear on YOUR LIFE-CHANGING MESSAGE,  your IDEAL READER, and what motivates her. You'll learn ways to make your book stand out, how to add emotion through your STORY, how to use endorsements, and what keywords will get you found on Amazon.  


You'll save hours and hours of time procrastinating by trying to figure out 'What comes next'? You'll have your TITLE and subtitle, CHAPTER titles, back cover copy, keywords, YOUR STORY, and your Table of Contents DONE so you will be able to call yourself 'author'.  

Just Do It, Write Now! Jumpstart Your Book is a step-by-step blueprint that takes you through the most important basics of your book...In 3 weeks you'll have...

• a clear vision of the VALUE your book provides

• the core message of your book

• your ideal reader avatar

your STORY - the one readers need to know

• your book TITLE and subtitle

• your CHAPTER titles

• a Table of Contents

• a MAP for filling your chapters with content

keywords that get you found on Amazon.com 

• a plan for gathering endorsements & writing a juicy description for your back cover

• guidance on publishing your book on Amazon and getting it ranked and found by readers

marketing tips and strategies to become a #1 bestseller....

...at savings & special bonuses when you act NOW


Here's the support you'll receive when you join Jumpstart NOW

Daily writing prompts 
(value: $1500)

You'll receive 15 daily  'assignments' emailed over the course of 3 weeks, with weekends off. Devote just 20 minutes each day and you'll have the entire foundation of your book DONE. 

 Write from your heart, not your head

You'll be going within to find your transformative core message, your ideal reader, book alignment, your story, and much, much more!   

BONUS: What's Working Now to Get to Best Seller Status (value: priceless)

Amazon has changed its process and what worked before isn't working now. You'll learn secrets on choosing keywords, topics, and titles NOW to make sure your book becomes a best seller later. 

BONUS Training, tools,  templates & more
(value: $1000)

You'll receive a master class on publishing and marketing, along with a writing challenge and story template so you know exactly how much of YOU to include, and what to include on your back cover and description for Amazon. 

Here are a few of the books published by Just Do It, Write Now! authors

Copy of Join the Brand-athon! Kickstart Your Book 30-Day Blueprint $1,497.00

“I had been trying to write my book for more than 15 years, and I was so excited that it was published in less than 6 months of working with Carol Ann!

"I had worked with plenty of coaches before; however, Carol Ann's mentorship style guided me to get better and quicker results. Her expertise enabled me to feel empowered as a practitioner AND a published author.”

Author, Love Life Again

Goddess55 Publishing

“Writing a book can be overwhelming, but with Carol Ann’s proprietary system, I was able to write a book that represents my soul’s mission. Her coaching and guidance made it easy for me write in flow without straying from my core message. She has a unique ability to challenge you to write with clarity, helping you establish credibility with your audience. If you’re thinking about writing or republishing a book, I’d highly recommend joining Carol Ann’s Just Do It, Write NOW! program — you will thank yourself later!”

Award-winning author, Powerful Beyond Belief

0066-2_5x7.jpgMeet Your Book Mentor
Carol Ann DeSimine

What qualifies me to guide you to write a powerful book? I'm an author who's been publishing and editing books for more than 30 years. I know the process, and I know how overwhelming it can be!

I created Just Do It, Write Now! as a 90-day book plan for busy entrepreneurs to know exactly how to get from start to finish with writing and publishing a book. 

It came about because when writing my own book, I was overwhelmed with notecards and outlines. Those just did not work for me! I created a process that was simple, yet powerful and heart centered!

When my coaching clients started asking me to help them write their book, I put my process together to make it suitable for a group, and they loved it! But, what I hear from my students over and over is that the first steps are the most crucial, and finding that clarity early on makes writing a book so much easier...

So, I decided to offer the first 15 steps of the Just Do It, Write Now process to help you get started with your book.

Jumpstart Your Book in 15 Days was born. This is writing 'from the inside out.' 

I truly believe that the most satisfying way to fast-track success and position your authority is with a book. Publishing books changed my life and it has the potential to change yours.

You'll see that once you get through these first 15 steps, you're more than halfway there, and you'll be motivated to get to the finish line! 

Here's my story (in a nutshell)

I spent many years helping other people publish books, magazines, and newspapers but when it came time for me to publish my own book, I struggled. I was stuck following someone else's outline process so I attended a "write your book in a weekend" seminar thinking it would help, only to find the price tag was $40,000 to move forward... so I ditched the boring outline and the high price tag and came up with my own process to write my book in about 4 weeks...so when clients started asking me to help them write their book, it was a no-brainer.

I honestly don't know why I waited so long. 

Turns out, my soul had been calling me to do this...all the signs were there and I'd ignored them. It took others to show me my gifts and talents that I wasn't claiming for myself. After all, who am I to show others how to write a book? But, why not? I'm a writer, a designer, photographer, professor, curriculum developer... with 30 years experience editing and publishing books, newspapers, journals, newsletters... I know the process inside and out. 

I could list more credentials but I feel it's more important to use this space to share MY BIG MESSAGE: PLEASE... don't put your dream on hold. I was hiding my gifts and I don't want you to hide yours. If your soul is calling you to write your book, listen: Just Do It Write Now! Plain and simple: Share your story to help others!

Copy of Join the Brand-athon! Kickstart Your Book 30-Day Blueprint $1,497.00

“I joined the Just Do It, Write Now program to help me complete my first book. I found Carol Ann’s leadership and the support from the other writers in the program inspirational.

"I enjoyed our weekly live sessions and having that on my schedule helped keep me on track and held me accountable for my progress. I am sure that it would have taken me much longer to have accomplished this without her support.

"I would recommend Carol Ann and her professional programs to anyone thinking of writing a book or growing a business. ”

Author, Grief to Grace

Goddess55 Publishing

“I waited 15 years to write my book! Once I joined Carol Ann’s Just Do It Write NOW! program, it went from start to finish in just 4 months! It’s almost unbelievable how effective this program is. What I especially like about working with Carol Ann is that she has such a knack for knowing when I need to be pushed and when I need to be encouraged. She saw my greatness from the get-go and constantly spoke into that. This allowed me to create it for myself and step fully into my own success. I also really enjoyed her straightforward communication, and the community created within this program. It’s exceptional!”

#1 Best-selling Author, Men Are Not the Problem

Frequently Asked Questions...

Please email carolann@Goddess55.com if you have any other questions.

If you've been wanting to write a book, 'Jumpstart' is an easy way to ease into the process. It's designed for expert entrepreneurs who want to expand their reach with a published presence. If you're an entrepreneur, a book will position you as a thought leader, and if you already have a course or signature program, a book is another platform to share it with more people.

This will save you HOURS AND HOURS of time from procrastinating and questioning yourself. There is nothing more valuable than having a proven plan to provide clarity and certainty, and to prepare you for the next phase of the book-writing process.

You'll receive 15 daily prompts that are designed to work through on your own over the course of 3 weeks. You'll also get whatever bonuses you qualify for at the time you purchase. 

If you want continued support to write the content of your book, Phase 2 of Just Do It Write Now! is the proprietary process that helps you write the content of your chapters. Carol Ann will present what options are available, whether there's a group cohort starting or if she has 1:1 spots available. Carol Ann works with a maximum of 4 1:1 clients at a time because it's customized support that meets your publishing needs with the done-for-you aspects of editing, design, and publishing in paperback and Kindle. Carol Ann also offers writing support as well as ghostwriting.

Jumpstart Your Book covers the first phase of the Just Do It, Write Now! 90-day Book Plan. Clients who have gone through JDIWN have confirmed that the first 3 weeks is the most essential stage that helped them find clarity on what their book is really about and who it's for. Before you can write meaningful content, you need to find this clarity, especially for the transformation that your book provides to you and your readers.  You can easily work through these foundational elements on your own, so you save money that you can put toward hiring an editor and designer.

Even though you will receive an email a day and will get the best results when you devote 20 minutes each day to the writing exercise, you'll have lifetime access and can work at your own pace. And, you can use this process for every book you plan to write - even lead magnets and courses. 

This is the same process that Carol Ann uses in a group, but the first 15 days are more about the foundation and 'inner' work. If you were to continue on with the full 90-day program, you'd get the support to take you through the proprietary process of writing the content of your book, 2 rounds of editing for your entire book, page formatting for your paperback and Kindle books, a designed cover spread, and hand-holding through the publishing process.

Once you get through the 15-Day Jumpstart and decide you want continued support to write your book, you will be given that option to continue with Carol Ann if there is a spot available. The 15-day Jumpstart is a good 'test' to see if this process is right for you, and if you are, indeed, serious enough to move forward with publishing your book. 

Due to the proprietary nature of this program, you can receive a refund by request within 5 days of purchase and you will relinquish any rights to the content, bonuses, and the members area. This is deeply discounted, so if you decide later you want to rejoin, you will have to pay the current fee at that time. 

Satisfaction Guaranteed Image

My Guarantee To You ...

Due to the proprietary nature of this course, all refund requests must be made within 5 days of purchase by emailing your request to carolann@Goddess55.com. After you complete your purchase, you should receive an email with login access to the members area along with bonus content. No refunds will be given after the 5-day refund period. You have lifetime access to course content, so any reason you have for non-participation after the 5-day period ends will not be a valid reason for a refund request. 


Write a book you can be proud of!
2024 is the time to write your thought leadership book! There's been a lot of low content crap published on Amazon lately but that's changing. Everything comes full circle, high-quality content is getting attention.