"I changed my messaging as a result of our VIP day and enrolled four $3,000 clients through an email series - I am VERY happy!"

F.B. ~ Coach, VIP Client


Hello Beautiful!

​​I’m SO excited that you’re ready to call in clients who are a perfect fit for your high-end offer and will eagerly pay $2,000~$5,000~$10,000 or more to experience your deepest level soul work... that's exactly what we're up to in the Irresistible High-End Messaging VIP Experience!

Transformation, not information…

Irresistible High-end Messaging is for coaches~healers~creatives~experts in the transformation space who want to create an offer that's an “EASY YES” for right-fit clients who are perfect for the solution you provide... 

We’re talking an offer you can charge $2K~$5k~$10k~$20k and up… and get it…without having a BIG list or a Facebook group… 

…without webinars and weeks spent “launching”… 

… and without hours spent on “discovery” calls. 

Marketing an offer that transforms lives is different than what the old-boy strategies are about... there is a better way...

This will work for you... 

If you HAVE a high-end offer of $2,000 or more but you've hit a plateau... you may have enrolled a few clients in the past, but now you're hearing “I can’t afford it” or “Now is not the time…” we’re going to turn those into EASY YESes from your highest-level clients – without having to lower your fees… 

If you don’t have a high-end offer we’ll design one based on what you've already been offering, only for a higher level of client who is ready to experience your deepest-level soul work… this is a different audience and you need to change your language - and your offer - to meet their needs! 

Never feel like you're chasing clients again!


We'll craft messaging that is so crystal clear that your soulmate clients know exactly WHAT you do and WHY they should work with you...

We'll position you as a category of one so that you stand out in this crowded online marketplace!

I'll share my process to magnetize next-level clients while positioning you as a thought leader so your prospects will want to pay you $2K~$5K~$10K~$20K or more because you'll communicate how you - and only you - are the answer to their prayers…

This is not about another learning tactic... it's about creating an offer that high-paying clients want, with messaging that does the heavy lifting for you...

You'll discover how to share your message in THE RIGHT type of content - via emails and social media - and even on your website and sales pages... (yes, you can use AI to do the writing for you if that's not your strong point, AFTER you discover what messaging will work for the clients you want to attract).

The primary goal of High-End Messaging is two-fold:

  1. We’ll create/makeover/dial in your high-end offer and craft messaging that attracts soulmate clients who are ready for your most transformational work, who are willing and eager to pay you $2K~$5K~$10~$25K and more - because they understand HOW and WHY you are different than other coaches and healers...
  2. We’ll test your message through copy and content that has clients raising their hand saying, “That's for me!” so enrollment is easy… without convincing anyone or walking them through limiting beliefs…. your messaging ecosystem will do most of the selling for you!

This VIP experience is enough time to package your offer and craft messaging to start enrolling clients RIGHT AWAY...

...PLUS you'll have 30 DAYS of support to test and tweak your message on the platform of your choice until it starts getting people to raise their hands to ask for more...

... with a simple process to enroll high-paying clients RIGHT AWAY...

...without wasting time on changing your business model, creating complicated sales pages, hiring more help, or learning more tech...

This is the simplest business model you will find! 

Self-empowered leadership comes when you have clarity on…

  • Exactly WHAT to include in your offer that your highest-level clients WANT, and will PAY for… no more packing it with 'stuff' they don't want! 
  • The secrets to MAGNETIZING clients who are ready - and eagerly willing to pay high fees – and choose YOU over everyone else out there
  • The proven roadmap to get your your offer in front of those clients – right NOW – and how to attract more of them on the regular 
  • The secret to transforming “I can’t afford it” into “How can I pay you and get started” 
  • How to uplevel your language to speak to the right-fit clients you know you can get amazing results for – while excluding the freebie seekers 
  • How to STAND OUT in a noisy, overly saturated marketplace of newbie coaches and healers who don’t have a fraction of the skills, experience and results that you have
  • How to dramatically cut down your time on “discovery” calls (or even eliminate them) by doing most of the “heavy lifting” with emails and social posts 

We’re going to IMPLEMENT this… together! 

Having the right offer with the right messaging can EASILY bring you a return of high 6 figures over time… 

This is the real “secret sauce” behind scaling your business, and what makes it your offer an easy YES is the cohesive and congruent messaging you use WHEREVER you show up. 

Imagine clients reaching out to YOU, ready to pay $2K~$5k~$10k~$20k+ for your highest-level soul work, right NOW. 

And, creating paydays totaling $10k-$20k and even $50k+, over and over again. That means never having to worry about...

  • Where your next client is coming from
  • What next tactic might work for you 
  • Being inauthentic, salesy, or too markety
  • Having the resources to expand and simplify even more

Messaging is an ART that requires MASTERY and a SCIENCE that requires TESTING, but once you get it working for your high-end offer, it's like MAGIC... You'll be able to use this process OVER AND OVER again for any offer you create in the future. 

Let's break it down even further… in a matter of hours...

~ We'll create or makeover your high-end offer of $2,000 or more (high-end is relative to what you're used to and what your market will bare) to make sure it's aligned with what's working in 2023 

~ You’ll come away with messaging for your high-end offer, so you’re ready to enroll clients who are a perfect fit for your deepest-level soul work….

~ You’ll have a 10-point ‘checklist’ in a Google doc that lays out the fine points of your messaging… so you establish identity and credibility as a high-level leader…

~ You’ll learn a new language, so to speak, which will carry over to all your other communication, including all your other offers...  

~ You’ll have a simple plan to enroll clients into almost any type of offer. (Hint: high-end clients don’t want to jump on a sales call, or sit through a webinar, so you'll save time and effort - and money.)

~ You'll shift your mindset into new paradigm thinking from what you may be used to, and I'll be there to empower you to step into your highest value... 

And, with 30 days of additional support, you’ll be able to submit copy for feedback and editing to get the results you desire (this is a life-long skill and this alone is worth more than what you’re paying for the entire program).

Note: Just like any other type of uplevel, it’s likely that some of the ‘old’ may fall away in the process, and I’ll show you how to be okay with that, too. 

Take a few seconds to really imagine what this looks like… not only will you establish yourself as a high-level leader, your offer and message will impact who you BE and how you are known in the online space... you'll watch new opportunities roll in - podcast interviews, summit invites... Once you embody this new level of leadership, doors open in ways you can only imagine!

*** Here’s How We’re Going to Flow in 
Irresistible High-end Messaging VIP Intensive ***

1. Once you register you'll receive the intake form so I get to know your business, your current offers and messaging, your client base, your current business model and what you’ve tried so far…. 

2. I'll send a link to schedule our Zoom session. You will have the choice to meet over one day OR 2 half days

3. We'll deep dive into my 10 Ingredients of an Irresistible High-end Offer, capturing all the key elements as they relate to your offer... You'll talk as I type into a Google doc so you have all your messaging and notes in one place. 

~ Session 1 is about getting clear on your right fit client for this offer, establishing your leadership, and dialing in the offer and messaging that will call in high-paying clients.

~ Session 2 we’ll spend honing your message in copy and content with a strategy to share your message

~ Over the course of 30 days, you'll have my support as you test and tweak your offer and messaging until your ideal clients are saying “YES”

And, because I believe that customized support from a mentor is crucial to accelerating your results, here are some ‘perks’ that will elevate your experience…

4. You’ll have unlimited copy reviews, where we’ll hone your marketing assets for your offer. (This includes high-level editing to make your messaging on point, NOT proofreading!) This includes social posts, emails, and so on… (value: $4000)

5. You'll have my support as you share your content with your community so you start seeing results.

6. We'll spend 30 days testing and tweaking, measuring data and improving results, so you'll be able to do this on your own with every offer you create. 


***How do I know this will work for me? 

Irresistible High-End Messaging works best if*...

…you’re an experienced entrepreneur with a proven process for getting results for your clients…

…you’re making offers successfully, but you’re ready to enroll more clients into your high-end offer…

…you have a community that you engage with on the regular (this can be email or social media) or a ‘warm’ market: local network, past clients, etc.)

Like many of my clients who go through this process, you may already be an expert but want to uplevel your client base... this process works well if you're 'switching your niche'...


The beauty of a 1-on-1 VIP experience is that you'll receive customized support... I will meet you where you are, at whatever stage of business you are. However, if you don't already have an audience, we may not be able to gather enough data to test your results - BUT you've got to start somewhere, and dialing in your message is the fastest way to ensure results as you grow your audience!   

*** Will you help me after our 30 days together?

Yes…and no.

While the foundation of scaling a business is having an irresistible offer that attracts high-level clients, there’s only so much we can do in a short time. 

We will create a plan to ‘sell’ your offer right away with empowered messaging to elicit excitement and potentially enroll a few clients…

BUT…in full transparency…

Unless you are already attracting your ideal high-paying clients, this may take some time to get it to where you want to be…

And, while a high-end offer is the basis of every successful high 6- or 7-figure business, attracting high-end clients consistently is an ongoing process....

While dialed-in messaging will do most of the selling for you... to scale your business you need to be supported and empowered, with systems in place for continuous growth, including continuing to attract future clients into your circle to ensure that your offer remains easy to fill. 

You will have the option to continue receiving support in The Goddess Way to Scale & Simplify Mastermind, my longer-term program that you’re welcome to join during or after Irresistible High-end Messaging, AND you may qualify to apply your investment to that…

***So, what is the investment?

While Irresistible High-End Messaging was originally designed as a $4500 2-week experience, for a limited time I'm offering this as a 30-day VIP experience at significant savings...

When you enroll NOW, you’ll save an additional $2500 OFF the regular investment. (I'm making this available to 3 clients only through September 1, so if you see that the price has increased, it means those spots are filled.)

~ You pay only $2000 for this VIP transformational experience. This is the lowest investment you will see for this game-changing opportunity.

This offer is designed for a quick ROI... Having an offer that easily attracts clients who are willing to invest $2K~$5K~$10K~$25K and beyond will pay you back for a lifetime…

And, you’re going to have your entire investment BACK, along with upleveled skills and leadership, and a process to use for a lifetime....

…without having to do a rebrand, build a new audience, update your website, create sales pages, or incur any other expenses on the trappings you might think you need to make more money and a bigger impact….

This is The Goddess Way to keeping business simple as you scale to high 6 or 7 figures

*** Sounds great, Carol Ann! How do I Join? ***

Easy! Click the button below and we'll get you on your way to making more sales of your high-end offer! 

I'm ready to dial in messaging to make my offer an EASY YES!

*** If you're thinking now is not the time, this is the lowest investment that you'll see in 2023. Plus, the sooner you dial in your offer and messaging, the sooner you'll be commanding high fees for your deepest-level soul work!

Carol Ann is a genius for the details!
"Carol Ann really listens and cares about my every need. Her meticulous attention to each detail of my recent offer brought total clarity, and gave me the confidence to convert 85% of my students to upgrade to my 1-year group Mastermind, including two into the VIP level."  ~ Andrea Hayley-Sankaran, Ayurvedic Expert, butteredveg.com


Who Am I and What Qualifies Me as a High-end Messaging Specialist?

I'm Carol Ann DeSimine, CEO of alignbelievecreate on-purpose coaching and creator of The Goddess Way to Scale & Simplify. I've been supporting the success of entrepreneurs since 2006, and I created High-End Messaging as a way to support transformational leaders to serve their clients from their highest expression.

I've seen too many marketing messages that are wishy washy and so clients don't know why they should buy, but there's one thing I know for sure...

Whatever type of offer you're making, your message is crucial to its success... this is even more crucial when it comes to a high-ticket offer.  

I created High-end Messaging because it's an area where I know I can truly make a difference. All things copy and content are in my zone of genius. It's what clients have been coming to me for since 2014...

My qualifications include certified launch coach, money breakthrough coach, digital marketing specialist, book mentor, and healer ...but it's my M.A. in Public Relations and a background in designing curriculum that sets me apart from other 'messaging specialists'. I understand business from an image and attraction perspective and know 'what to keep and what to toss'...

My superpower is the ability to see you and to 'articulate the invisible' - your energy and the value you bring to the marketplace - into words that make you magnetic to your most ideal clients. I understand your needs and desires,  and will hold your vision as if it were my own!

Thank you Carol Ann for helping me reach higher levels of success!

"I can't say enough positive things about Carol Ann's help in creating my offer. I was preparing to launch my first group program and felt stuck, confused, and was procrastinating on doing what needed to be done to finalize the launch. 

"With her guidance, I developed clarity on all the important components, and then we created a step-by-step plan. With Carol Ann's help, the entire process became very simple, clear and easy. No more confusion and procrastination!"

Patty Tolar, Breakthrough Specialist, pattytolar.com

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Every leader agrees: What IS working in 2023 is HIGH-END OFFERS…

Soulmate clients who are ready to receive the transformation you provide are just waiting for you to show up for them.... 

If not YOU, then WHO will they turn to?

  • Goddess55 Publishing

    “I have worked with plenty of coaches and mentors before, both in my personal and in my professional life. However, Carol Ann's mentorship style is guiding me to get better and quicker results. Her expertise is enabling me to feel empowered as I move into growing my coaching practice.”

    Author, Love Life Again

  • Goddess55 Publishing

    “I recommend working with Carol Ann if you are looking for clarity and simplicity. She will pare the pile of loose ends down to a beautiful simple idea that fits you perfectly and people will buy it.”

    Founder, Angels of Abundance Ascension Academy

  • Goddess55 Publishing

    “What I especially like about working with Carol Ann is that she has such a knack for knowing when I need to be pushed and when I need to be encouraged. She saw my greatness from the get-go, and constantly spoke into that. This allowed me to create it for myself and step fully into my own success.”

    Author & Workshop Facilitator