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Your Self-Publishing Specialist

Surprising statistic: 80% of people like you
say they have a book in them,
but only 1% will actually write it.

What's stopping you from being in the 1%?

There's no better time to write your book.

The Golden Age of traditional publishing is over.

No more excuses.

Just Do It, Write Now!




I want it!

Just Do It, Write Now! Start Your Movement 90-day Book Plan is a
full-service book-writing & publishing experience.

You'll write a powerful book - from your soul - and publish in paperback & digital.

Let's Write Your Book Together

'No one writes alone,' especially a 1st-time author. I will guide you to get your book written averaging 20 minutes a day,  according to your writing style, to keep you on track to get to the finish line.
This is not cookie-cutter writing. I provide a structure that will take you into the depths of your soul to write a powerful book. Even if you've got 10 years of writing under your belt, you do not have a book! You need to address the foundational elements of publishing before you even start writing content. Your message is what matters!

Developmental Editing & Copy Editing

An editor is not a glorified proofreader! An editor helps in the development of the manuscript creation. Unlike other programs, in JDIWN there's no need to hire an outside editor or designer. I guide you through the writing process so doesn't it makes sense that I'm with you all the way? I'll provide the developmental editing to make sure your voice is consistent and your message is on point, then a round of copy editing for sentence structure, grammar, and readability so your book is well-written and error-free.

Formatting, Cover Design, Publishing

JDIWN is a boutique, all-inclusive 'concept to completion' program. I provide basic page formatting in Microsoft Word or Adobe InDesign, depending on your plan, an attention-getting cover design, and then I assist you in publishing to Kindle for your digital version and CreateSpace for your print-on-demand paperback. I'll help you with the details of choosing categories and keywords, pricing, ISBN options, and copyrighting, and best practices for marketing and becoming a best seller!

Download my FREE Report: 5 Steps to Becoming a Published Author in 20 Minutes a Day. 

5 Steps to Becoming a Published Author in 20 Minutes a Day will guide you through the most important foundational elements of the book-writing process. Once you've got these, you will be able to call yourself 'author' because you'll have crystal clarity on the purpose of your book, what it's about and who it's for. 

In Case You're Wondering...

These are some of the most commonly asked questions about Just Do It, Write Now! 

What is Just Do It, Write Now?

Just Do It Write Now! 90-day Book Plan is a full-service book writing and publishing experience under the brand of Goddess55 Publishing. We specialize in working with thought leaders, practitioners, artists, coaches, healers, and wellness professionals to publish an expert non-fiction book, OR if you have a story to tell based on your life experience, perhaps narrative non-fiction or a memoir is more apt a description for you. No topic is off limits. We've also published fiction as well. Many of our authors use their books to share their methodology or healing modality, or as a way to express themselves creatively. No genre is off limits. We believe that your story can change lives, and writing a book will change YOUR life. "Every movement starts with a message and a choice to be seen."  

How can you help me become a published author?

There are many ways to publish a book and we focus on helping you to self-publish on Amazon.com in paperback and digital. Why Amazon? It's the 3rd largest search engine in the world and the place where consumers look first for most products, and books is a large part of their offerings. Many writers want to publish a book, but they don't know how to get started or they feel overwhelmed by the process and that stops them in their tracks. First and foremost, we're here to help you get your book written, with lots of hand-holding to take you through our proprietary process, with 2-3 rounds of editing, page formatting and cover design. We get to know your heart, so there's no need to go searching for an editor or designer who doesn't "see" you, like many other programs require; and, if you decide you want to seek out a traditional publishing house, we will guide you in that direction.   

How often do you offer JDIWN as a group program?

We may open the group 'experience' once a year if there's enough interest, but Carol Ann works with a limited number of 1:1 clients at a time. When you join the group option, you save money, plus you get weekly trainings and the support of a community of other writers just like you. But, if you don't get to the finish line with the rest of the group, you'll have an opportunity to extend your contract and work 1:1 with Carol Ann. In the 1:1 option, we work intimately together for 6-9 months to write and publish your book. Due to the intense nature of the support, I take a limited number of clients each year. Please fill out the contact form if you would like to be contacted for the next group program or to work with Carol Ann 1:1 when a spot opens up.  

What's included in Just Do It Write Now?

This is a 'concept to completion' publishing program. We start by finding clarity on your expert topic, creating the foundation of your book, then you follow my proprietary process to develop the content. I support you every step of the way with 2-3 rounds of editing, page formatting and cover design, and publishing on amazon.com in paperback and Kindle. Everything you need to publish your book is in one place at one price, whether we work together in a group or one on one. If you want a bestseller campaign, we can refer you to one of our partners, although we do teach best practices on selling and marketing your book. When you work in a 1:1 capacity there's more hand-holding, but the group option is for you if you can work alongside other authors in a faster pace.

Will I really complete my book in 90 days?

That's the plan. However, I add in extra time to give you space in case you fall behind or life happens. This allows you time to send it out to readers if you wish, plus it gives us space to design your pages and cover spread. If you follow the process you absolutely can write your book in 90 days or less... but you have to factor in formatting. You can't rush perfection, however, the idea is to keep you in action and get it done quickly.

What qualifies you as a book mentor?

Carol Ann is a writer and publisher who over the past 30 years has published dozens of books, magazines, newspapers and newsletters. She works with entrepreneurs, so it was a natural progression when they started to request that she help them write their expert book. Publishing her first book, Girlfriend, we need to talk about your brand... opened her eyes to how having a published book is a transformational experience AND opens so many doors of opportunity! When clients started asking her to help them write and publish their book, she took the best parts of what she knew about the process, threw out what she did not like, and developed a proprietary system to make writing fun - and easy! This is her Secret Sauce that you won't find in any other book programs. This is The Goddess Way of book publishing. 

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