Terms and conditions
All purchases are final and non-refundable unless stated otherwise. We understand that you are joining our program with every intention to complete the work and attend the sessions, and we expect no less. If you cannot attend, you will have access to the recordings if available, and therefore will receive the same value of anyone following along with the process.
We respect your privacy and would never spam you or sell your information to a 3rd party.
Goddess55 1:1 Mentorship is 6 months of 1:1 coaching. If you choose monthly payments, you are committed to making the agreed upon payments. Once you reach the end of your term, you may be given the option to renew. You are entitled to receive the bonuses that are available at the time of your initial purchase, but only if you maintain your regular payments or pay in full.
Just Do It Write Now Kickstart: this is a 3-week digital program that is pay in full. This is a work at your own pace program and does not include done-for-you services. You may purchase those at a later date if desired.
Just Do It Write Now Group/1:1 Mentorship: This is a 6-month program with the intent of you writing and publishing your book within that time period. It provides weekly training, a proprietary writing process, writing and publishing guidance, 2 rounds of editing and basic cover design and page layout for a reasonable length book (up to 200 pages). Carol Ann is not responsible for you finishing your book in that time period, and may be willing to extend your agreement to support you in finishing and publishing,for an additional fee in accordance with the work involved. This will be on a 1:1 mentorship basis; therefore, the investment will be in alignment with the cost of a 1:1 mentorship, not a group program.
Rapid Results Laser Coaching is generic coaching of unlimited 15-minute sessions, depending on the availability of the coach. It is up to the client to schedule these sessions, and coaching topic is dependent on the client's needs at the time, providing it is within the purview of the coach's expertise. Length of term is generally 6 or 12 months for a standardized fee, and is non-refundable.
Digital Courses: Digital courses are non-refundable unless stated otherwise. They include a live component only when specified, and it is up to you to complete the assignments. You have unlimited access to the course as long as it remains active.
Workshops, Master Classes, and Flow Sessions: Your registration fee is non-refundable, whether you can attend or not. You will receive recordings and workbooks, where stated, and can work on the content on your own if for some reason you cannot attend live.
About Our Coaching in general: Whether for business growth or book publishing, coaching is designed to meet the individual needs of the client. Although this may or may not follow a standard procedure, results are dependent on client implementing and following suggested course of action. We do our best to support each client's needs, but guaranteed results are beyond the scope of our control, and we make know promises of expected income, only that we will coach you to put the structures in place and what we believe to be best practices for business growth.
You not being coachable, not following a suggested course of action, and not being open to constructive criticism will not be construed as being 'not in alignment', and will only get in the way of your results. The expectation is that you want to be successful in your business, and will do what is required to get the promised results.